2011-04-26 | 20:04:03
ett skämt.. skoja bara !!
BOY: you know, you are A B C D E F G H I J K?
GIRL: what does it mean?
BOY: Attractive, Brilliant, Cute, Dazzling, Elegant, Funny, Gorgeous, Hot!
GIRL: so sweet! how about I J K?
BOY: I'm Just Kidding!
GIRL: what does it mean?
BOY: Attractive, Brilliant, Cute, Dazzling, Elegant, Funny, Gorgeous, Hot!
GIRL: so sweet! how about I J K?
BOY: I'm Just Kidding!
dad: why you crying?
girl: my boyfriend dumped me!
dad:(graps shot gun) I'll be back..while later dad comes back,
girl:what the hell! why did you go kill him!
dad: I didn't
girl:where did you go?
dad: to get you icecream :D
girl:why the hell did you bring the shot gun?!
dad: so I could get it for free
2 Kommentarer
hanna ♥:
tack så mycket :)
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